Hello Emily! Thank you so much for letting me interview you today! I really enjoyed reading your story in Conduit. Well, as much as one could enjoy a story with such terrifying murders. Anyways, I'd like to start with asking you to tell us a little bit about yourself, a little introduction if you don't mind?
Thank you so much for having me! As you know, my name is Emily Monroe. I own a private investigating agency with my best friend, Cassie Reid (Monroe & Reid Investigators). I really enjoy investigating and some of the cases we see come into the office. I’m also psychic, but not in the sense of what you see on television. I can’t read minds or talk to the dead, but I do sense things and pick up on things that I’d really rather not sometimes.
1. Okay, for my first question, I have to ask this. What were honestly your first thoughts when you were asked to be on the serial killer case?
My first thought was that I couldn’t believe Uncle Leo brought us the case. We usually only work cases of petty theft or an occasional missing person, but that’s rare in itself. I thought there was no way we could help out, but as Cassie started talking about victimology and other things I never heard of, I knew she could help out, but I still didn’t know how I could ever help the police on the case. When I learned that the message that was carved out on the victims was the same as what I had written during my two automatic writing incidents, something told me that I was meant to be involved in the case. I just had to find out what was going on.
2. You and Cassie seem to get along pretty well, but everyone has their quirks. What's something you really butt heads about?
Cassie and I do butt heads from time to time, just like any friends who spend so much time together. She can be a bit obnoxious and sometimes embarrasses me, especially when it comes to wanting Nathan (my ex-boyfriend) and I to get back together. In fact, we had a lot of heated discussions after I broke up with Nate! I’m sure she’d say I’m a little too quiet and reserved at times, but our differences work well for us.
3. When you met Jake at the law firm party, you got off a bit on the wrong foot. Things made a bit of a turnaround rather quickly, though. Had you ever been tempted to try and poke around in someone's mind the way he unintentionally did to you that night?
I don’t ever want to see what is in someone’s mind like what he did to me. While all psychics have the same core abilities, every now and then someone comes along who has different abilities, and that’s Jake’s abilities. For some reason he can get into my head pretty easily. He can’t do it with anyone else, which I have to admit, I’m happy about.
4. The "bad guy" in your story, we got to see inside his head almost as much as we did yours. So, we kind of got to learn a lot about the evolution of his abilities (and horrendous warping) of his abilities. What are some early examples of you discovering your... sensitivities?
When I first realized I was different than most kids, I could pick up on little things here and there. It wasn’t like reading someone’s thoughts, but I could sense things. I could feel what people felt and what they did. It’s like little flashes of memory or feeling. I’m not sure how else to explain that to someone who hasn’t experienced it. It was really scary at first, but I was very lucky to have my Aunt Susan to guide me through it all.
5. I have to say that you kept a relatively level head throughout most all the book, expect for being shaken after connecting with some of the victims. How did you manage to hold yourself together? I can't imagine!
I just wanted answers and I think focusing on that really helped me. That, and having Cassie and Jake. They were both anchors to hold onto, and while I’m grateful for that, there’s not a day that goes by that I don’t think about what happened that last day and feel guilty.
6. You had a lot of intense moments in your story, have things settled down since the events in Conduit?
Things have calmed down a bit since then. I’m still dealing with some of the aftereffects of the events. There’s still so much I don’t understand, but I’m learning every day! I’m hoping to just settle into normal routine again.
7. Thanks again for the interview! There are so many other things I'd like to ask you, but I don't want to give readers any spoilers!
Thanks for having me!
About Angie Martin:
Angie Martin is a lifelong writer and firmly believes that words flow through her veins. Her thriller with a paranormal twist, Conduit, was published for Kindle on March 5, 2014. In 2004, she published her first suspense novel, False Security. Since that time, False Security has been drastically re-written and the revised version is also available as an e-book for Kindle and Smashwords. She is hard at work on a horror short story, a poetry anthology, and the next Emily Monroe novel.
Angie lives in California with her husband, their two beautiful cats, and their beloved dog. She has two sons who are off paving their own way in the world. She grew up in Wichita, Kansas, her hometown and where her books take place, and is still very much a Kansas girl at heart.
A reader first, a writer second, Angie's favorites are Stephen King and Dean Koontz, but she reads a wide variety of books and loves to discover indie authors and books as well as write reviews of them . As a geek-extraordinaire, she loves comics and graphic novels, and also reviews those.
Angie has studied criminal justice and behavior since high school, which she incorporates into her writing. If writing is her blood, then music is the air in her lungs. She has played piano since she was five, and loves writing music. A hard-core gamer, her go-to video games series are Resident Evil, Uncharted, The Walking Dead (Telltale Games), and Dead Space

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