Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The Last Guardian and the Keeper of the Magi by Ashland Menshouse

My Rating: 4 of 5 Stars

About the Book: 
Most say rumors of ghosts and suspicious shadows are the figment of childish conjecture or the product of juvenile delinquency. Some disagree. 
In the town of Lake Julian, Aubrey Taylor’s list of enemies and critics is quickly surpassing the number in his tiny band of compatriots. Maximillian Miller has recently been elected to the head of the city council. Agenda number one -- making sure Aubrey and his friends pay for the destruction they have brought to their quiet town.
In addition, more than local eyes have noticed Aubrey’s unearthly aptitude, and ancient threats loom from near and far. But Aubrey’s fight has a more urgent front. An army of chupacabra have descended upon Lake Julian, afflicting its residents with an inexplicable plague, and only Aubrey and his friends, both old and new, with their unique array of supernatural faculties, can save their town and prove that they are not at the heart of this new menace.

My Thoughts:
Can I just say how (word that starts with a "d") excited I was to read this book? I mean chupa-freaking-cabras, this author certainly knew the way to this reader's heart. I mean, have I not been ranting to whoever who will listen how I'd like books about supernatural beings that aren't just your run of the mill ones. In fact, my bookish friends are probably pretty tired of hearing about it from me. So, anyways, I was pretty excited to read about how Aubrey and his friends were going to take down a group of Chupacabras. 
The imagination the author puts in the book is just amazing, so descriptive that it really puts you in the book. There were some bumpy spots-sometimes I felt just a little confused but nothing that took away from the book. 
I loved reading as the characters interacted, the dialogue was great and the imagery used in places was top notch. I feel like I could read this book over and over and never tire, simply because the author has a seriously good way with words. I would highly recommend this book for anyone fans of supernatural or science fiction type books, especially the young adult crowd. This book is one that you don't want to miss! 
*I received this book for review from the author, but this in no way affected my thoughts expressed in this review.* 


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