Thursday, July 3, 2014

Book Blitz: The Prophecy of Arcadia by M.H. Soars

 My Rating: 4 of 5 Stars
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About the Book:
 Being a teenager is tough, especially when you have to pretend to be something you’re not, and you’re in love with someone you shouldn’t. 115 years ago, a small planet called Arcadia was invaded by a vicious alien race and nearly destroyed. Cut off from their resources, the Arcadians turned to Earth for help. A group of Arcadian explorers discovered a Prophecy that claimed their salvation lay in the hands of two children from Earth. To ensure their safety, the Arcadian Council sent their most gifted youngsters to Earth to act as protectors. Samantha is one of them.

To succeed in her mission she must learn to control her Arcadian powers and keep her true identity from her best friend, and the girl she swore to protect, Alexia. But Samantha will soon realize that nothing is as it seems. Someone is trying to prevent the Prophecy from taking place and the prophecy boy hasn't been found yet. There is also a new drug circulating at school that is turning students into freakishly strong menaces.

To make matters worse, distractions keep getting in her way. Such as her love/hate relationship with her “cousin” Matthew. Or her confused feelings toward popular and mysterious Julian. She wants nothing more than to be free to live her life. But the survival of Arcadia depends on her and her friends. Free will is not an option.
My Thoughts:
  Don't you just love a really good book? One that goes at the perfect speed, gives you time to fall in love with the characters and brings a big ol' smile to your face? I do. So, in reading this book, I was so happy to find that.

The characters were easy to connect to, and I found this to be a really fun read! I cannot wait to see what happens next in this series.

One thing I really, truly, loved about this book was the fact that it really didn't throw all the information at you at once. You know the books that do that? The ones that just seem to stuff the details down your throat all at once without giving you time to swallow? This one wasn't one of those. In a way, I think that the way that M.H. Soars wrote this book, in that nice, steady pacing, will make the book stay with me for a long time.

One thing I should point out, there are sort of three main characters, so for those who don't like multiple POV's this may not be for you. However, I felt like the story wouldn't have been the same without it. It really made the story unfold perfectly, and I cannot wait to see what M.H. does with the next book.

If you love a good paranormal/scifi/fantasy book, The Prophecy of Arcadia might just be for you!

Meet Sam! 
(A character in the book!)
The wonderful M.H. Soars agreed to do a character interview with me, so here's the Q&A I had with one of the super awesome characters, Sam! 

Hey Samantha! Thank you so much for being here today. If it's okay by you I'd like to start by having you introduce yourself.

Hi Paige. I'm glad to be here. My name is Samantha Munroe but everyone calls me Sam. I live in California with my Uncle, my twin sister Mia, and my five cousins. I attend a private school called LJ Prep. That's what everyone knows. But the truth is I'm not even from this planet. Yup, I'm an alien but you can't really tell, unless I unleash my powers on you accidentally. Don't worry, I'm not on a mission to invade Earth. I'm trying to save my planet and I think I'll end up saving yours in the process, too.

1.) So Sam, would you like to tell us a bit about how life is on Earth for you, and how it differs from what you know or remember from Arcadia? 

I love living on Earth. Earthlings are so full of life, completely different from Arcadians.  Sometimes I forget that I come from so far away. I don't have any recollection of Arcadia at all. We were brought to Earth when we were very little, at least that's the story Gary tells us.

2.) Would you like to tell us a bit about this Prophecy? What exactly does it entail?

I know that you will get to read the entire Prophecy soon, but basically it says that in the third planet from the sun, the seventh daughter of a seventh daughter will bond with the seventh son a seventh son and together they will defeat the Myserians. It also says that gifted Arcadian youngsters will protect the Promised Ones. Like in all prophecies, ours is pretty vague and it doesn't say how the Earthlings will defeat our enemies or when. It's pretty frustrating.

3.) So, Alexia's a pretty big deal, huh? Is she someone you would have chosen for a friend had you not been sent to protect her? 

Hell yes. She does have this unique quality about her. She genuinely cares about others and her heart is made of gold. She's fierce in her own way but at the same time you want to protect her and not because she's the key to any prophecy.

4.) Your story is what I like to call action packed, and has a lot of little twists (that I, of course, loved), but can you tell us about any regular, everyday hobbies you have? 

Well, I do like fashion and I love to give my friends makeovers. I just don't get why certain heroines choose to look and dress so plain. Like being into fashion is a character flaw. Please.

5.) Everyone has their quirks! What are some of yours? Or better yet, what are some of Alexia's? 

I don't know if you've noticed but Alexia bites her nails when she's nervous. I buy shoes.

6.) Time to get a little deep. Looking back now, is there anything about, well, anything you would you change? 
I would definitely have fought harder to find a way to tell Alexia the truth. And maybe I wouldn't have dated Julian. Nah, that's a lie. He was a very good kisser. Don’t tell Matthew that.

7.) I honestly really enjoyed reading your story! Is there anything in particular you'd like to tell potential readers of the book M.H. Soars so beautifully penned about you? 

I'm a believer that if you have it you should flaunt it. I'm an awesome character and my story is very intriguing. The Prophecy of Arcadia is a great mix of romance and mystery with sci-fi elements that won't scare you away. Plus there is some serious eye candy in it. But hands off, ladies. Matthew is mine! This first book is just the tip of the iceberg. If you think there were a lot of twists in it, wait and see what's coming. Gosh, I don't even know what's in store for me next.

About the Author:
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