Friday, May 16, 2014

Parallel Hearts by J.E. Darnbrough

Release Date: January 2014
Visit the Author: Facebook|Twitter
My Rating: 4.5 of 5 Stars

About the Book:
When small town high school senior Anna Scott, loses her family in a mysterious accident and wakes up to the charming and mischievous Aaden Cross, her quiet and predictable world takes an impossible turn. Sent from the parallel universe of Everly, Aaden reveals the unimaginable secrets Anna's family have kept hidden leaving her feeling lost and second guessing everything she's ever known. Without her twin sister to turn to, Anna struggles to understand the significant role she's expected to play in Everly, and why the unlawful Valdorian clan is hell bent on taking her for themselves. But as Anna discovers the responsibilities and sacrifices that come with being a Descendant, she can't help but break the one promise Aaden needs her to keep. Now, Anna must decide between doing what's right or risking everything to follow her heart.

My Thoughts:
Can I just start by saying that I'm so excited to tell y'all about this book? I mean, I thought before I read it that I was going to like it, but as it turns out, I loved it!

Anna's whole life is turned upside down when her parents die in a car accident in which her twin sister was apparently thrown from the car into the river below--never to be found. She is filled with an overwhelming sadness, and misses her family so much. Living with her grandmother, she's just taking her days one at a time. While her grandmother is away for a few days, she wakes up to a guy at the end of her bed(who she totally gets a good hit in on--just saying!). As it turns out, her world will never be the same.
His name is Aaden Cross and he's from the parallel universe, Everly. Turns out, Anna's family is too, she's a Descendant and she now needs to go back. Then there's this thing with a promise that she so breaks, but I'm not going to give any spoilers.

This book was such a wonderful read! Great character descriptions, nice back story and lots of awesome plot twists. While I saw the big surprise reveal coming(no spoilers, remember?), it was still done in a way that really brought the book together. I absolutely loved Aaden and, though he made a few bad decisions, they were all made with a good heart. 

The world of Everly is not like ours, the rules are different there--they have to be. With such a small population the Descendants do their best to keep everything under control.  I truly cannot wait until book two, because I have to know what happens next! J.E. Darnbrough is new on the YA scene, this being her first book, but I have no doubts that this book is different than anything else out there in the genre. I highly recommend for young adult fans!
*I received this book for review from the author, but this in no way affected my thoughts as expressed in this review.* 

His brutal honesty hits me square in the chest, like an invisible dagger jabbing me over and over again until my heart breaks open like the promise I couldn’t keep. Crumbling beneath the weight of his words, I slide down the wall until the bathroom floor catches me like an old friend. I can’t breathe and the burning in my chest ignites every time I replay his voice over in my mind. Why did I let myself fall so easily, even when I knew it wasn’t right? Like drops of rain with no river to call home, heavy tears fill my eyes and pour endlessly down the sides of my face.  I should have known, I yell at myself, slamming my fist against the floor until my hand feels as numb as my heart. I should have known not to let him get close enough to hurt me. 

About the Author:

J.E. Darnbrough lives in Nova Scotia, Canada where she studied French and Mathematics at Mount Saint Vincent University. With a passion to teach, Julie went on to complete a Bachelor of Education Degree and has taught in the Middle East. Upon returning to Canada, a depleted education market led Julie to the business industry where she's since turned to writing as a creative outlet. Julie's an avid reader of young adult fiction and always loves to talk books with friends. In her spare time, Julie enjoys movies, sports, photography, shakin' it in Zumba class and of course reading. Parallel Hearts is her first novel.

Enter to win a paperback copy of Parallel Hearts. I really loved this book so I am so happy that one of you will get the chance to read it too! 

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  1. I would be curious about how life was over there and how different I was on the other side.

    1. I'd definitely be curious, too! Thanks for the comment. :)

  2. What would you do if you found out that there was a parallel universe?
    I'm pretty sure I would freak out! I would visit the parallel universe and see which one I liked better and set up shop in the new one if I liked it more. :)

    1. Yeah, there would definitely be some freaking out on my part!

  3. I'm not sure what I would do if I found a new parallel universe. If it was a place I could live on chocolate and tiramisu and never gain weight I would never leave. If Theo James was my Prince yea I would be living there for life. I would probably explore it regardless because I'm nosy!!

    1. I want your Parallel Universe, lol. Make it one where you could drink endless glasses of Sweet Iced Tea and Soda as well, while you're at it. ;)

  4. Thanks again Paige for the awesome review! I posted it on my facebook page :)


    1. Any time, Julie! I loved Parallel Hearts. :) Thank you for sharing!


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